The Developments of Key Manufacturing Industries in the World (2007 Edition)
- author: Shanghai Municipal Economic Commission; Institute of Scientific & Technical Information of Shanghai
- price:RMB 13.00
- isbn:978-7-5439-3088-9
- Publiation:
- introduction:
The book highlights the governments’ function, policies and measures, development strategies, investment trends, industry transfers, merger & recombination, as well as sustainable development via resource conservation and environmental protection. Much of the content and numerous data are quoted directly and freshly from the overseas sources. The report starts with a summary study of the industry’s overall development, followed by analyses concerning the developing trends and respective industries. Targeting the 24 key industries in the fields of high-tech, equipment manufacturing, transport equipments, basic industry, emerging and strategic industries, which altogether were acknowledged as key sections in the 11th Five Year Plan of Shanghai Manufacturing Industry, the book performs a comprehensive analysis on the new trends and new features of the manufacturing industry on the international stage. With the lessons drawn thereafter, the summary report is of tremendous reference value for relevant governmental departments, offices and staff alike.