The World Expositions Reader
- author: Song Chao (Editor-in-Chief)
- price:RMB 49.00
- isbn:978-7-5439-3619-5
- Publiation:
- introduction:
This reader is written to introduce the history, culture and related issues on world expositions to the general public in a systematical way. The book integrates knowledge and entertainment into vivid words and photos, and reveals the very essence of this worldwide event. The first chapter unveils the charm and the cultural connotation of the exposition through the explanation of its theme and exhibitions. The developments are traced in the next chapter whereas China's early participation in the world expo is given particular demonstration in the third, where quite a few new research outcomes are publicized for the first time. The last part of the reader is devoted entirely to the World Expo 2010, highlighting Shanghai's preparatory works, the theme, pavilions, forum and performances.(2008-11-4)